Sunday, November 21, 2010
Better than expected
I feared this day since last year. The day we would head to the mall to see Santa again. Since Matt and I were off on Friday afternoon we decided to try our luck at seeing the big guy. We tried to hype up Ish all week - and even he seemed excited to see Santa that day. We started out the trip with a ride on Ish's favorite mall attraction - the escalator.
It was a different Santa this year. Very nice. Very patient. Ish was not impressed.
He tried his best to escape. I was ready to just give up on this attempt.
Then I told him that Santa would bring him Toy Story toys if he was a good boy.
Then he realized he needed to be nice and let us take some pictures. We actually got a few decent shots. I'll have to scan in the pro pics for Wordless Wednesday.
After Santa we hit the food court for some coloring and some lunch for me and Matt.
Then we decided to push our luck and see if Ish would sit by himself in the barber's chair for a quick cut.
He surprised us by willingy sitting alone and letting Danny cut his hair.
Ironically enough, ever since Friday, Ish has been insisting on going back to see Santa again this year. I **think** we might be over our Santa aversion (now that he understands that Santa = toys!).
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Aw, that's awesome! I'm so scared to bring Hayden, last year was not good! I will have to be like you guys and hype him up. Santa=Toy Story! LOL!
This gives me hope! E was fine on Santa's lap last year...until he turned around and saw where he was...then he lost it. I am hoping he will be better this year! Fingers crossed!
sounds like you all did veryw ell! last year, in our santa xmas photo, C is holding my cell phone. that was the only way I could get him to stop crying. I think I am going to go to the mall early in the day the monday after thanskgiving and try to go when no one else is there so they can take our time with us.
Well, it seems like it went okay :) I think that they are all a little scared of Santa at this age. I am going to have to take my boys past Santa a few times before they actually sit with him. Looks like he sits for his haircut....that is great!
Ish = cutest ever!!!
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