This is my first blog party - I like it because I don't have to get a new outfit or actually brush my hair. All I have to do is tell you a little about myself and my blog - I can handle that!
I'm Gina, I'm somewhere in my 30s, married and living in the suburbs of NY with my husband Matt and my 19-month-old son Matthew (who we call Ish - hence the blog name). We called Matthew Ish from the beginning - before we even knew he was a boy. The nickname stuck even though we knew his name would be Matthew. I like to take pictures, I like to write and I like to write about the pictures I take - so blogging is a good fit for me.
I love meeting other bloggers - I'm always adding to my reading list! So, leave me a comment and let me know where I can find you.
Cheers! (People still say that at parties, right?).
hello found you on d-listed.
love the nickname, cute.
Hey Gina. Thanks for coming to Heligirl for the Blog Party. Just getting started on the West Coast here and am hitting my visitors first.
LOVE that you call the little guy Ish. How cute. And the photos, toooo cute! About peed myself laughing at the clean the house/mow the lawn caption. My little dude just turned one and his truck collection exploded overnight. Literally. I think he got something like 12 vehicles and 1 helicopter. You'd think the kids would not fight with that much to share, but no. I'll be sharing more about that on Heligirl today. You've inspired me!!
I'm your newest follower.
-Jen (http://www.heligirl.com)
Hey, I'm visiting from blog flow rather than the party. But I guess it's time I go join the party!
Your little boy is adorable. Following :)
Came from the party! Having so much fun finding some new blogs to follow!
Happy blogging!
been following for a lil while. I live in Queens! I can be found at http://baby-to-go.blogspot.com/
Hi There. I found your blog through Blog Flow and enjoyed your blog. I'm looking forward to checking back and reading more :)
I'm here from the party too! Love your blog, especially the name, so cute :)
Glad to have found a cool new blog to read!
Hey! I'm stopping by from 2 places: The D-list & Ericka's Blog Flow! Your blog is super cute--I love the title! I'm a new follower! Happy Partying!
Hi, found you on blog flow!
I love your new blog!!!! Its perfect!
Hey, I found you over at Blog Flow!! I love pics and talking about them too!!!
Now following!!
Cheers! Love the Ish! Found you on the D-List! Looking forward to reading more!
Blog Party Hoppin!
Love that you call your son ish. Little nicknames are always cute!
Here for the par-tay! Love Ish, we call our baby girl Goob. She' gonna love it when she's older. Check me out at http://alysbloggityblog.blogspot.com/
Hi!! Here for the party, but I'm already a reader. :)
Have fun with your first one! They really are a great way to meet new people and connect with others you've already known for a bit.
New follower from the Blog Party! Your son is adorable! I give my son (8 months old) a red cup to play with while I drink out of mine otherwise I will end up wearing my drink from my son attacking my cup. Can't wait to read more :)
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