Here are a few good deals for your Friday:
50 Free Pampers Gifts to Grow points: WELCOME2PAMPERS
Coupon for $1.00 off any Dan-o-nino product (Ish LOVES these!):
Kids eat free at Ikea this weekend (like I need an excuse to go to Ikea!). Details here.
Free 1-year subscription to Working Mother (I get this and it's a pretty good read).
Better Homes & Gardens has a new program called The Motherboard - apparently there's opportunity for receiving special offers/free samples, I figured it couldn't hurt to sign up!
Free Snikkidy product coupon - Ish likes these and so do I! Check out the link here on Money Saving Mom. They carry these at my local Babies R Us as well as Shoprite. Check your supermarkets organic/healthy eating aisles.
Money Saving Mom has also compiled a nice list of preschool and kindergarten resources - lots of good printable learning materials. Check it out here.
That's what I got for you this week. Being that it's the heart of summer I've seen a slow down in a lot of freebie offers. Plus, there are a lot less offerings for toddlers as there are for babies, so it's a little tougher to find quality goods.
Special shout out this week to two great bloggers who passed on awards to me this week:
Mama's Little Chick passed on The Blogger Buddy Award. I enjoy her blog and would like to pass this award right back to her!!

And don't forget to join in the Chickadee blog hop today!

Thanks so much!!
Thanks, lady. That was nice. :)
Thank you Gina! Have a great day!
Mama Hen
Stopping by from the Friday hops to say hello.
Have a great Friday!
Here from Chickadee, and newest follower. Check out my blog at http://www.crazyaboutmybaybah.blogspot.com !
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