Not much to report. We're still trying to kick these stubborn germs that have been making the rounds in our house. So, although we had fun, we were pretty low-key for a holiday weekend.
We ventured out to the mall on Saturday. Matthew scored a pretty neat Spider Man balloon.

And an Alvin Build-A-Bear.

Noah can't be trusted with balloons just yet, and he's a tad young for the whole B-A-B experience. But he's officially 10 months now - so his time is getting closer.

I love my Noah Bear, but sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head. When I saw this picture, with Matthew in the background, I couldn't help think that Noah was planning some revenge on his brother for the whole Matthew-gets-everything-and-I-get-nothing scenario from the mall the day before. He's a sneaky one this Noah Bear.

Matthew was spared from any evil plots. For now.

For the most part, there was quiet play this weekend.

Some light reading.

And I finished my photo wall.

We ended the long weekend being saved by Batman Captain America.

Now, it's Tuesday. With a Monday feel. But that means that Friday will get here all the quicker. :-)