Last Saturday started out innocent enough. The forecast called for a snowstorm to hit us, so we battened down the hatches and planned for a lazy day inside.
Matthew - the master of multi-tasking that he is - enjoyed an early morning snack, while perusing the latest toy circulars and watching Phineas & Ferb on the iPad.

Noah played innocently on the floor. And by innocently, I mean crawling as fast as he could away from his toys into the piles of the forbidden heaven that are Matthew's toys.

It started to snow pretty early.

And it kept getting heavier and steadier.

Matthew decided to relax with a movie.

Lunch was a snow-day staple - nice warm pizza bagels.

We decided to make some cookies. Matthew does not understand the whole "watched pot" thing.

As the day went on, the snow kept falling. Everyone seemed fascinated.

Noah decided to try out his new ninja toy-stealing moves.

But his ninja-like moves are no match for Matthew's ability to snatch away a toy at lightening speed.

While we we having fun - trees started to come down. This one took out our electricity and cable.

So, with no power at our house, we made the trek to grandma's house for warmth. Noah tried his Ninja skills on Sasha. Sasha was not impressed.

My brother's family lost power too. Which made Matthew so happy - he could not contain his excitement for seeing his best friend.

So for 5 days we camped out. Noah played on the floor.

The kids kept busy with various projects.

And we watched a lot of movies.

We finally got power back on Wednesday night (no thanks to ConEd - we paid a private electrician to connect us). And since then, we have been playing catch-up. We lost a weekend of our To Do list, so everything has doubled.
But, we did manage to squeeze in a bit of fun this past weekend. In between our chores, we went to see Santa. More on that later. :-)
I'm glad you guys got to make the best of it by hanging out with cousins! Noah and Andrew have a lot in common, Andrew loves to steal the dogs toys and doesn't understand why the dog takes them away from him :)
wow sounds like there was a house full. that sucks that you had to pay a private electrician to fix your stuff that couldnt have been cheap!
I am glad that you finally got power back and can get back to some kind of 'normal.' At least the kids had fun at Grandma's....and it made for some great memories :)
Grammy Boo & Coach were hit hard - they had to go to a hotel, and then the hotel lost power, too! Luckily, our power stayed on, but we got over a foot of snow. Crazy!
It was all beautiful and rather fun until the electricity went out for four days. We went to grandmas also. I hope you are doing well! Have a great night!
Mama Hen
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