I'm pretty much done with my Christmas shopping for the boys (Matthew has so much already, and Noah is inheriting A LOT of toys we have stored away from Matthew's baby days). A few things I picked up this weekend:
The Toy Story Tri-County Landfill playset. Matthew is great at imaginative play, and he loves playsets like this one.

Matthew asked Santa for Hungry Hungry Hippos (he sees the commercial on TV all the time). I wasn't going to buy it because all I could see were those little balls all over the house (and in Noah's mouth!). I said to Matt, if I could find a self-contained HHH, I would buy it. And I did - the travel version. So I bought it!

Matthew is master of the iPad and is getting very good at a lot of the toddler games I've downloaded for him. One of the apps incorporates these AppMATes, which I think he'll get a kick out of.

I also got him this Crayola pen for the coloring/painting apps.

As for Noah, like I said, he'll inherit a lot of Matthew's toys. Of course I'll get him a few things of his own to even things out a bit. One toy I picked up at Target was this little phone. Lots of buttons to press and lots of noises - perfect for his age.

I also picked up a little set of "wobbly" toys that I think he'll get a kick out of chasing around (I can't find the stinkin' picture on Target's website). So far that's it for poor Noah-Bear, although I'm sure I'll find more things for him between now and December 25th!
I'm so impressed that you're almost done. I haven't started yet!
Mommy usually has way more done by now - she's slacking this year! We were thinking about getting one of the crayola styli for me to play on her iPad, but we're not sure it's worth it - waiting to hear how Ish likes it!
I didn't see that travel Hungry Hungry Hippos! I reluctanly just bought it...lol. I think Matthew is going to love his new IPad toys :)
i have only gotten one gift so far. wow!
I can't believe you're DONE!
I am not even started. LOL
This is a great article and I love all these toys. I used to buy presents like these for my sons a long time ago. Back then I always starting my shopping late but not anymore. I like shopping online so I start in the summer to give me more time for them to be shipped. There were many times when I ordered gifts and they were shipped after Christmas. I recently started shopping on auction sites because they have electronics for cheap. I found them by looking at Deal Dash Reviews. They always have good deals.
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