Before I entered the blogging world I wasn't familiar with CSN Stores. All of the sudden I saw the name popping up all over the place on some of my favorite blogs - from reviews of cookware to giveaways of children's items. I entered many a giveaway in an attempt to win some of their fab products. I never won any (insert feeling of pity for poor me here).
Lucky for me, a few weeks ago I was contacted by CSN and given the opportunity to choose a product to review for myself - I was beyond excited! The only problem - choosing the one product! CSN has everything from furniture to cookware to home decor to items for your pet. Seriously, click and check out their home page, it speaks volumes:

I clicked and browsed, clicked and browsed, and clicked and browsed some more. Then I saw it. The item that would make everyone in the house happy. Ish because it involved 'Ning (as in Lightning) and mommy and daddy because it involved organizing (well, mommy more than daddy really, but who's keeping score). It was a Disney Cars Toy Bin Organizer. I was in love.

The day it arrived I made Matt put it together right away (patience, I have none). I sat on the floor and stacked the neat little bins in anticipation.

It was a pretty easy assemble. Before I knew it, Matt was done and we moved it into position (in the family room for the moment - I'll move it to the playroom at a later date, you'll see why in part 2 of this post). And, wasting no time (did I mention I have no patience), I picked up all Ish's little toys and filled the bins.

This included his massive Matchbox car collection (which takes up 3 bins on its own!).

The nice thing about this organizer is that it's small (it doesn't have a big footprint), but holds a lot. The 9 bins held a lot of toys of all shapes and sizes.

Can you imagine what my floor looked like before we got this?!

Ish acted like it was Christmas morning when he first saw it. He was excited to see 'Ning and Chick on the bins. And of course, he thought all the toys were new, so he was happy to have so many "new cars"!

So, I have to rate this a 10 - definitely a keeper! The unit itself is made of quality painted wood and the plastic bins are nice and sturdy (essential for toddlerhood). I would highly recommend this item - you can check it out for yourself
here. And for you momma's of girls, have no fear, they also have a Dora version - you can see that one
Now, on to the playroom update. I don't have one. Well, I have one, just not a good or interesting one. Matt hit a little snag when trying to install the shelving I picked out - cinder block. Yep, 6 of the 10 holes required were fine, no issues. 4 of the 10 he hit cinder block. So he needs to get special screws and use a special tool to finish the job. Since he works long hours during the week he wasn't able to get what he needed yet, so we sit and wait for the weekend when he can get to Home Depot. In the meantime, enjoy this lovely picture of my holey wall.

My other snag - remember that Ikea
dark wood entertainment center that I said I wanted to get rid of? Well I did. In one day on Craig's List. It happened so fast that I really didn't have a plan for what to do with what was in the unit. So I sort of have a messy corner of random stuff that I need to figure out what to do with.

The good news:
1. We bought the bracket to mount the TV on the wall
2. I have a bunch of bins and baskets ready to go for when the shelving is installed
3. I have some neat ideas for wall art
4. We have no plans/obligations this weekend
So, hopefully I have a better update next week. But don't hold your breath or anything!
Disclaimer: While I was given the product to review by CSN Stores, the opinions in this post are 100% mine (and Ish's!). We were not compensated in any way for our review.
I live the toy been!!! Sorry you haven't made much progress on the play room. I would like to get potato a book shelf.
That is awesome! I love toy bins! I really wish we had a playroom too!
Wow, I love the title of your blog. It drew me in. and thanks for the free friday...we all need that with this economy.
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