We made a little trip to the DIY-ers heaven called Ikea this weekend. We went to get a few things to finish off the playroom and wound up buying a TON of cute things that we couldn't pass up for young Ish (even though our bank account tried to talk us out of it). One item not on our must-get list was this little table and chair set.

We built it that night (and by "we" I mean Matt) and set it up in the kitchen. It is where Ish dined like a king the next morning.

He was just so stinking cute - sitting in his chair like a big boy, eating his waffle. I expected a lot of on-the-chair-off-the-chair-walk-around-with-my-food antics, but Ish surprised us and sat quietly (and cutely) the whole time he was eating.

I of course could not resist taking this picture - his little legs dangling from the tiny chair!

We made pretty good progress in the basement this weekend with our other Ikea finds. Updates and pictures to come!
I'd like to end this post with a special thanks to Kayla over at
And Potato Makes Three (formerly The Randolph Family) - she passed on the Super Comments Award to me this weekend. Be sure to check out her blog - she has a cute new blog button and is now on Twitter! Thanks Kayla!!
What a cute little man Ish is sitting at his new table! I love it!
Don't u just love Ikea? We got our "big boy" table from there too.
I love the big boy table. I have been to IKEA once and its like a wonderland. I can't wait to get a bigger house so I can get some goodies from them.
The kids table...I fondly remember being at the kids table when I was young.
I am inviting you to "Mia MOnday" We have a new theme every week, and this Monday is 5 photos of yourself at any time of your life. Next Monday will be all about Embarrassing Moments. Every week is a new theme...link up and join the fun!
Hey, Gina - you WON the copy of "Alternative ABC's"!!! CONGRATS!!! :)
The copy is going to come directly from the publisher, so I need to pass your information onto them! When you have a minute, please send your mailing info to VeryBestHousewife@gmail.com
Thanks for playing, and again - Congrats!
I love that he is sitting there so contently :)
Oh, my son would LOVE that little table!
Too cute! He looks so happy with his new table!!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!
He is so adorable!! Love his big boy table and chair set. :)
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