I finished my MBA about a month before Ish was born. I swore then and there that I was done with school. And I meant it. This week's wish is to go back to school. "What??" Crazy you say?? "Didn't she just say she was done with school??" - ah, but this is different. I want to go to school for fun - there's a difference! Not a structured take-these-courses-get-this-degree kind of thing, more of a "take whatever courses you think sound fun and don't worry about grades or testing" kind of thing.
The first class I would like to take: Photography 101. So that I can learn to use a camera like this:

Now, all I need is the extra hours in the day and the extra money in my bank account to do it!
I'm looking for a photog class to take this summer
Wow you seem like you have a lot of energy. Can I have some?
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