Oh hi mom, what's up?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
He does this on purpose
Thursday, January 28, 2010
That's Sasha!!!
Ish believes all dogs are named Sasha. So every time he sees a dog he yells "That's Sasha!" Dogs on his shirt, dogs he sees out on the street and yes, even dogs he sees on TV. Now the real Sasha is a small white little Shih Tzu - the dog on the TV is a large black poodle, but to Ish it's all the same. Dog = Love for Ish.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wishlist Wednesday - Spring Ahead

Of course with spring, comes spring cleaning. It would be nice to have someone do it for me this year. My house needs a good scrub-down.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Dear General Mills,
We would like to thank you for creating the most delicious, awesome, fantastic, wonderful, great, yummy, fabulous, excellent, out-of-this-world fantabulous cereal. Why, why, why, why did you not think of combining chocolate and Cheerios before? It seems so natural, so simple yet so amazing.
We're not really sure how you are going to top this cocoa goodness - we would love to be your official taste-testers when you try!
Ish and his momma
Ish and his momma
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Food Coma
If a food coma was actually possible, the silver dollar pancakes from the Mohegan Diner children's menu will induce it (that's right, this stack is from the CHILDREN'S menu!). Ish was no match for this stack - he gave it the old college try, but alas, the pancakes won.
Friday, January 22, 2010
How cute is this picture???!!!
Matt makes fun of my baby feet obsession. I can't help it - they're so chunky and cute! I was cleaning out some old pics on my computer today and found this (vintage Ish feet from April 09). How adorable are these little feet! Who could NOT love baby feet??

Thursday, January 21, 2010
He's never cute on command
Ish got a haircut. He looks so cute! I attempted to capture the cuteness - this child was not having it (the camera loves him, he doesn't love the camera!).
This one is ok, but I wanted to get a straight front shot to showcase his George Clooney look.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wishlist Wednesday - Back to School

I finished my MBA about a month before Ish was born. I swore then and there that I was done with school. And I meant it. This week's wish is to go back to school. "What??" Crazy you say?? "Didn't she just say she was done with school??" - ah, but this is different. I want to go to school for fun - there's a difference! Not a structured take-these-courses-get-this-degree kind of thing, more of a "take whatever courses you think sound fun and don't worry about grades or testing" kind of thing.
The first class I would like to take: Photography 101. So that I can learn to use a camera like this:

Now, all I need is the extra hours in the day and the extra money in my bank account to do it!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Cuter than it looks
We've got a new morning routine that has been working out quite nicely for us - we have Ish sit on the bench in the entry way and we put on his coat/hat. Ish has gotten used to it and sits like a good boy. Sometimes he sings - which is what he is doing in these pictures.
It's not a recognizable song by any means - just a bunch of "ning ning ning nings" - it requires him to scrunch up his face, giving us this look:

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wishlist Wednesday - The Swedish Edition

I have become a little obsessed with all things organized. Matt and I have tackled quite a few rooms in the house so far in an effort to better organize our spaces. Our last project (read: when we have so much disposable income laying around that we just HAVE to spend it) will be our kitchen (the last owner didn't exactly have an eye for quality). I like what Ikea has to offer lately - so my wish today is for the time and money to put together a nice little plan like the one here:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Random Saturday
Is there a better way to start a weekend than by hanging out with your teddy bear in a random cardboard box?

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
The one thing momma seems to be good for...finding the ON switch
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wagons Ho!
Matthew figured out how to climb into his Mega Blocks wagon the other day. That made for hours of entertainment.

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