But with this Sunday we don't just say goodbye to the weekend. We say goodbye to Christmas vacation. Even though I went back to work last week, it was a short (and I have to say boring!) week that started on Tuesday (thank you snow day on Monday!) and ended somewhere around 4:30 on Thursday. Matt has been off for the past two weeks. He played Mr. Mom while I was at work last week and kept young Ish occupied. They enjoyed their time together - can you tell?
But now the Christmas decorations are down. The outside lights are down. Everything Christmas has been boxed up and put away. The house almost seems empty without our wall art and all our random holiday decorations. It seems dark in here without the lighted garland on the staircase. And it breaks my heart every day when Ish asks to go see the Christmas lights of our neighbors that we've seen for the past month and I have to explain to him that Christmas is over and everyone put their decorations away. I know he'll ask again tomorrow.
Matt and I aren't big on New Year's Eve. I think we've stayed up to midnight only once since we've been together. This year I was in bed by 9ish. I left Matt in the living room watching whatever sporting event he was watching. It's just not a big deal to us. But in retrospect - we've said hello and goodbye to a lot of great years and a lot of heartache. From getting married, to having Ish. From dealing with genetic testing to dealing with a year of unemployment. It's certainly been quite a roller coaster we've been on these past few years. And while 2010 was quite alright (a new job for Matt, finding out we're expecting another healthy little boy), there is quite a lot to look forward to in 2011 (most importantly the arrival of our little Noah sometime late April).
So, I'll bring my rambling to an end now. Even though it makes me sad to say goodbye to these past few weeks and this past year, I'm also glad that time is moving on, bringing us closer to new milestones for Ish and meeting our little Squish.
Hello 2011. Nice to meet you. :-)
Sounds like you are going to have a fantastic 2011! I love the Christmas shirts you bought for next year! So cute!
Happy New Year! I know today is a harsh reality the last two weeks my husband took some time off and we had the snow day on Monday. oh well, back to the grind!
Glad to hear that your week was good...we were snowed in too :) Don't you just love hanging in your pj's?? I think we all have a feeling of bittersweetness as the the holidays conclude and the New Year begins. I wish you nothing but health and love in the year ahead. You are going to be in for a whole new experience with 2 boys..LOL! It will be great :)
Love the shirts!
That snow storm was great and we also loved staying in all cuddled up. The next day my heater did not work and we froze the entire day until the heating guy could get out and fix it. We still had lots of fun though. I never really was one to go out or stay up for New Years. I wish you all the best!
Mama Hen
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