Tomorrow my Alex turns 9 years old. Today, we partied.
Matthew LOVES going over to my brother's house because all his girls are there.

Noah is becoming a fan of the girls too.

Matthew was so excited to see his bestest friend ever in the whole wide world.

We managed to wrangle all the shorties for some cute pictures outside.

And Noah got to partake in his first swing experience. He approves.

Matthew is an old pro at swinging. He showed Noah how it's done.

Noah couldn't hang for too long.

I had to post this picture because I don't think I have one single picture of either of my boys sleeping on pink sheets.

There was cake.

And then there was a wardrobe change - part 2 of the party. Matthew was Batman.

I don't know why he thinks Batman goes around scaring people, but he does.

And Alex played along.

Can you see the love in Ish's eyes?!

Later in the day we all caravaned to a local park to continue the Halloween-themed fun at a fall fair.

Matthew had a blast on the bounce houses.

Super Ish.

Even though he was so focused on hanging out with the girls and having fun, he did let me get a few cute posed photos.

Can you tell this was Matthew's first time getting his face painted? He was happy with the results though.

Newsflash: Matthew is getting better at eating lollipops. MUCH less drool.

And just because you'll never see this headline: Batman Plays Plinko.

HAPPY NINTH BIRTHDAY ALEXANDRA!!! We love you very much!