Noah is 8 days old today. And while we're still trying to figure out the sleeping at night thing, everything else is going great. We had his 1st pedi appointment on Monday and he is now 8lbs, 6oz. He eats like a champ, naps during the day, has longer and longer awake time during the day (which I hope starts to help with the sleeping at night thing!) and Ish is loving his role as a big bro. He insists on kissing and "holding" Noah. It's cute how much he wants to help out with Noah - although I'm sure Noah could do without the "big push" Ish gives him when he's in his swing!
We call Noah a lot of names - names we used to call Matthew - Bubba, Bubby, and yes, we even find ourselves calling him Matthew (we've had to correct each other a lot with that one!!). The nickname that seems to be a keeper is Noah Bear. I don't know where that came from, but it's cute and it seems to fit him. I also tend to refer to him as "The Donald" when his hair gets all crazy and Donald Trump-like.
I'm doing my best to try to take a bunch of pics of Noah and Matthew. So far, not so good, but hopefully as time goes on and I'm not so tired I'll be back on my picture-taking-game.
Stay tuned!!
Oh goodness so precious! I hope you are doing well my friend! I want to thank you for your wonderful bloggy friendship! have a great day!
Mama Hen
just gorgeous!!
Awwww, what a cutie!
So precious. I love that big bro wants to help out. I hope mine ends up that way.
He is so adorable! Happy Birthday to your one week old! : )
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