Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tag - I'm it!
I've been tagged in the latest blogger game making the rounds. Lee Ann over at The Life of Riley & Bryce Too! tagged me to answer eight questions she posted on her blog. I'm all for being a good sport, so here it goes!
1. What was your favorite class in high school?
Definitely art class. I looked forward to the days art was on the schedule.
2. What is your favorite TV show?
Everybody Loves Raymond. Truth be told, I'm streaming live video from right now!
3. Do you have any weird habits?
I bite my nails - I know that's not weird, but Matt thinks it's pretty nasty!
4. Do you wake up easily in the morning?
Yes and no. I usually do, but when Ish sends out an unusually early wake-up call I need a little caffeinated help to get going.
5. What kind of qualities make a person a good friend?
Loyal, kind, warm heart, likes to laugh, good listener, adventurous, fun, caring
6. What is an experience you've had where you couldn't stop laughing?
Ish was just a few weeks old, sleeping in his bassinet in our room. Matt and I were laying in bed watching a little tv before turning in for the night. All of the sudden we hear the LOUDEST fart ever in the whole wide world come from the bassinet. Here was this dangly, skinny little baby wrapped in his swaddle blanket and he blew us out of the room! We still laugh about it to this day. All one of us has to say is "Remember when Ish farted?" and we crack up.
7. Have you ever met an internet friend in real life?
No, but there are quite a few that I would like to!
8. What was your first job?
Receptionist at a real estate office that my mom worked for. I was 15 - I had to get "working papers" in order to take the job.
If you have some time, click on the button on the top of this post - you won't be sorry! Thanks Lee Ann for tagging me!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Far From Fall
Today was the Field Home Fall Festival. A cute little fair in town. We go every year. There's pumpkins, live music, games, a petting zoo and other kid-friendly events. The only thing wrong with this year is that it felt about mid-August rather than Autumn. It was in the high 80s, hot and humid. But we persevered!
We started out with a little lunch. Ish really enjoyed his hot dog and cookie.
Then we chilled out in the shade for a while and listened to the band.
There was a bouncy house with balloons - Ish threw a fit when we told him he had to get out.
So we distracted him from a full meltdown by playing the "pick a duck" game. Ish won a little plastic dinosaur.
There was a Kids Zone that included pumpkin painting and balloon animals. Ish asked for a puppy.
Then it was time to head home. It was just to hot to do any more.
Tomorrow the high is supposed to be 66 degrees. We can't wait!
We started out with a little lunch. Ish really enjoyed his hot dog and cookie.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Party Pics
Because I was the host of the festivities, I didn't get a lot of pictures, but I was able to capture some of the cuteness of the day.
Ish had a blast playing with his cousins.
And diving into the ball pit!
The cake was a Thomas special - complete with tracks on the outer edges.
Ish approved.
We sang Happy Birthday to him and he didn't cry - an Ish first!
Can you tell he enjoyed his cake and cookie?
Cousin Mare Mare passed out from all the fun.
And post party, grandma and pop pop stuck around to help Ish open all his presents.
I hope to have more pictures to post as my friends and family upload their pics - stay tuned!
Ish had a blast playing with his cousins.

Sunday, September 19, 2010
2 Years Old
Dear Ish -
Today you are 2 years old. Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're really still just a baby - you seem like such a big boy, much older than 2 years old! You can count to 13, you know your letters and your colors and you sure know how to throw a tantrum like a big boy!!
You love Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder and Lightning McQueen. You also love chocolate and insist on having your special Ning Ning treats every day. You love being outside and will run to get your shoes and socks when asked if you want to take a ride or go on the swings. You like taking rides in daddy's car because he has Mupps dvds and we like taking you for car rides because we know that's the only way we can get you to nap.
You spend your days at grandma and pop pop's house during the week entertaining your little cousin Mare Mare. You run circles around the house all day and you love to give kissies when it's time to go home. You love bath time - and even insist on taking your bathtub Thomas toy to bed every night. On the weekends we try to steal a few more minutes of sleep by bringing you into our room to watch tv - but even at 7am you're full of spunk and not interested in lounging around.
You had so much fun at your party yesterday. You ran around and played with all your little friends. You chased Uncle Brad and even let Alex carry you around. You loved your Thomas cake and had fun eating the M&Ms off of the cookies we bought for you. All your friends and family love you and know you so well - all of your presents revolved around Thomas, Bob, Handy Manny and Ning Ning - all your favorites!
I love that you are such a happy little boy. I love to hear you laugh and watch you run around and play and I love that you show so much love to all of us.
We love you Matthew - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBBIE!!
Mommy and Daddy
Today you are 2 years old. Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're really still just a baby - you seem like such a big boy, much older than 2 years old! You can count to 13, you know your letters and your colors and you sure know how to throw a tantrum like a big boy!!
You love Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder and Lightning McQueen. You also love chocolate and insist on having your special Ning Ning treats every day. You love being outside and will run to get your shoes and socks when asked if you want to take a ride or go on the swings. You like taking rides in daddy's car because he has Mupps dvds and we like taking you for car rides because we know that's the only way we can get you to nap.
You spend your days at grandma and pop pop's house during the week entertaining your little cousin Mare Mare. You run circles around the house all day and you love to give kissies when it's time to go home. You love bath time - and even insist on taking your bathtub Thomas toy to bed every night. On the weekends we try to steal a few more minutes of sleep by bringing you into our room to watch tv - but even at 7am you're full of spunk and not interested in lounging around.
You had so much fun at your party yesterday. You ran around and played with all your little friends. You chased Uncle Brad and even let Alex carry you around. You loved your Thomas cake and had fun eating the M&Ms off of the cookies we bought for you. All your friends and family love you and know you so well - all of your presents revolved around Thomas, Bob, Handy Manny and Ning Ning - all your favorites!
I love that you are such a happy little boy. I love to hear you laugh and watch you run around and play and I love that you show so much love to all of us.
We love you Matthew - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBBIE!!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lost Weekend
Saturday I was at my mom's house for most of the day helping out with her tag sale, so Matt and Ish spent the day together on their own. Matt took him to the Thomas the Train event at Toys R Us. Needless to say, he has a new Take Along set and we picked up a few new trains for his birthday/Christmas.
Sunday was pretty low key - the weather didn't cooperate for outdoor activities, so we went to the mall for lunch and picked up Ish's Halloween costume. SURPRISE - he's going to be Thomas!!! Shocking isn't it??!!
We also picked up a Thomas treat pail too. Because we feed the addiction. And because Ish is cute.
Now on to planning for next weekend...the big party is Saturday!!

Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Thank You's
Two special thank you's today for two great fellow bloggers.
The first is the lovely Haupi at HaupLight - she passed on the Great Blog Neighbor award to me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her blog - you really have to check it out for yourself - she really finds the most interesting things to blog about.
My second thank you is for Dawn over at Mom-A-Logues - she passed on the Blog With Substance award to me. Her blog is dedicated to life with her two cutie little girls. I love that she posts so many pictures! And I love her little owl button!

Thanks ladies!! Keep up the good work - you're two of my favorites!!
The first is the lovely Haupi at HaupLight - she passed on the Great Blog Neighbor award to me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her blog - you really have to check it out for yourself - she really finds the most interesting things to blog about.
My second thank you is for Dawn over at Mom-A-Logues - she passed on the Blog With Substance award to me. Her blog is dedicated to life with her two cutie little girls. I love that she posts so many pictures! And I love her little owl button!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ish Travels
So there's this really cool blog out there in cyberspace called Baby To Go. All about travel adventures with babies and toddlers. I was honored to be chosen to write about our recent travels with Ish.

Go check out our guest post that was published today - Ish Goes To Lake George.
Let me know what you think!

Go check out our guest post that was published today - Ish Goes To Lake George.
Let me know what you think!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hardly Working
I think a post about work is quite fitting for Labor Day weekend, don't you?
Last Monday I had the day off with Ish, so we decided to make the long trip down to Brooklyn to visit daddy at work. Ish was immediately impressed with the benches outside the office building.
We spent our time waiting for daddy by climbing and sitting over and over again.
Ish was less impressed with daddy's actual office.
But the true highlight of the trip for Ish was the cafeteria - PIZZA!!!!
Last Monday I had the day off with Ish, so we decided to make the long trip down to Brooklyn to visit daddy at work. Ish was immediately impressed with the benches outside the office building.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Random Cuteness
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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