We tried to get a nice pic of Ish sitting in a chair, dressed up, looking like a big boy. This is the best we got.

He thought playing on the chair was more fun than posing for pictures.

He could see all of his toys from up here.

Don't worry, Matt was holding his legs in this shot.

I thought it would be nice to get a cute shot of me and Ish together. This is what happened.

I think this one is a pretty good picture of me.

I don't even know what he was pointing at.

Ok, I'll settle for this one (even though the way I'm holding him is pulling up his shirt and you can clearly see his Huggies).

Right after picture taking, Ish discovered the one Christmas decoration I had hung.

Here he is with Grandma and Auntie Dana being his typical anti-picture self.

Ish likes to help Grandma cook (actually, he just likes to eat while someone is holding him in the kitchen). Here he is getting pre-dinner samples.

Before the main course he dined on an apple appetizer.

Dinner was far too messy to take pictures of. So let's end this post with a cute picture of Ish and daddy reading a post-dinner book together.