Grandma and Grandpa took me, my parents and my aunts, uncles and cousins to Lake George for Labor Day weekend. I spent the 2.5 hour trip up to the lake annoying my mom - so I decided the 5 minute trip to lunch was the best time to catch up on my sleep.

When we got to the lake I had the very important job of approving our sleeping quarters - all checked out fine.

Mommy still insists on taking 4000 picture of me everywhere we go - so I don't even bother trying to look at the camera anymore.

Auntie Dana tried to get me to look at the camera - but I'm on to her tricks!!

Can you tell how much I love it when mommy attempts self-portraits?

Here I am meeting a real live horse - so soft, so fluffy, so smelly.

Here I am with cousin Alex - you can tell I love her because I only ignore the people I love.

Mommy made sure I had a nutritious breakfast every morning.

We went to Great Escape amusement park where I was forced to take pictures with big furry animals - I'm not sure why.

I had my first ever carousel ride on this trip. This horse was less smelly.

Me and dad spent a lot of time in the pool (I'm pretty sure I have that same boat at home).

Nap time was whenever I said it was (just like at home!).

I don't remember this picture - mommy tells me I was asleep at the time - must be why they're smiling.

Here I am sporting my new doggie jacket for the chilly walks on the strip - notice the cute little floppy ears (and the infamous blankie I insisted in carrying everywhere).

All in all, I give this vacation two thumbs up! I had a lot of fun - I hope we get to go again next year!
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