I wasn't sure what I should title this post, but since we're about two and a half hours post rapture, I think "Still Here" sums it up.
We're still trying to figure out what's going on with Noah. We know about the milk allergy and the new formula (though expensive) is working out quite well. But there's something else going on. Maybe silent reflux, maybe colic, who knows. So we're kinda throwing everything we can at this kid in hopes of finding a solution. I've been to the pediatrician and the chiropractor many times these past few weeks with the boy.
Matt went back to work last week so I spend my days home alone with Noah. I feed him, change him, chauffeur him to appointments and just generally try to make him comfortable. Like this:

Ish spends his days at grandma and pop-pop's house. He doesn't mind (as is evident in this picture). He gets to run errands with pop-pop, watch dvds with Aunt Dana and, when the weather cooperates, he gets to play outside on the deck.

And of course he gets to hang out with his best bud, Mare Mare.

I'm hoping we see changes in young Noah in the weeks to come. Changes that might bring more sleep for me and Matt and more peace to our house (especially in the baby witching hours of the early evening). In the meantime, we're getting by day by day and, well, we're still here!