Dear Aunt Cool -
Thank you for coming to visit me this weekend - I had lots of fun grabbing your hair! Mommy cut her hair and always puts it in a ponytail now, so I don't get to play with hers (no fair!). I also like that you held me and hugged me and kissed me a lot (my three favorite things!). Mommy told me to say thank you for the pretty shiny presents you brought me (even though I'm not allowed to touch them just yet, mommy says she will let me use them soon).
Mommy says you live in a place called England and that it's much farther away than grandma's house so you might not get to visit me often - what's that about??!!! I hope you will be able to come to my first birthday party in September. From what I'm told there will be this thing called "cake" there!
That's all for now - I'm off to have a bottle and fight my sleep (naps are for suckers!).
Baby Matthew
PS - please don't ever cut your hair!! :-)